Thursday, October 7, 2010

Jackson Dean is Here!

wow I am WAY behind on my blogging..gee I wonder why! LOL I'm stuck in "newborn land" right now, so I promise to do more updating soon. But as most of you know Jackson Dean Molepske was born on August 28th at 10:20pm. He weighed in at 6lbs 3oz and 18.5 inches long. He came out with a full head of hair, bright blue eyes, and the cutest little nose! His personality is still some what of a mystery but he seems serious and sensitive. He is already a Mama's boy for sure, wanting to be held A LOT! But I guess I should enjoy it, as this might be our last! Big Brother Austin has been amazing! He is so sweet and loves "the baby"! more updates and pictures later =)

Friday, August 20, 2010

38 Weeks

How far along are you? 38+ weeks

Total weight gain/loss: 10 lbs, last two weeks I've gained about a pound a week which is pretty normal at this point since the baby gains most of his weight in the last few weeks. He is measuring 36, which is small for dates. but seems to be doing great!

Maternity clothes? yes, and thank goodness I'm almost done because all the clothes i bought at the beginning of the pregnancy have lasted me the entire way through..but are starting to get tight! LOL

Best moment this week: Austin Austin Austin! He is SO sweet lately! Every night we read our story before bed time and he gives me lots of kisses! The other night Daddy was laying on the couch with us and we asked Austin to kiss the baby, he came right over and kissed my belly. He is going to be such a good big brother! We've spent lots of time together doing fun summer activities. This week we had a pool party, playdate at Jungle Java, another swim day, movies, playing with trains, and play time with the Bailey's today! =)

Movement: yep yep. This baby has been very active through the entire pregnancy. He's gunna be a soccer player! lol

Food cravings: sweets.

Gender: It's a boy!! ALL BOY!

Labor Signs: contractions are still going strong and a few times they've been in a regular pattern. I'm also now starting to dilate! yay!!!!

Belly Button in or out? still a flat innie

What I miss: being able to bend over without feeling like there is a watermelon under my shirt!

What I am looking forward to: the new phase of our life..being a family of four!

Weekly Wisdom: people can surprise you every now and then =)

Projects that I'm working on: nothing really. One bad thing about me being so overly prepared is theres nothing left to do but wait!!! ahhh! =)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

37 Weeks

How far along are you? 37 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: total weight gain is about 8 lbs..coming up on the 10lb mark! My goal was to not gain more than 20lbs so i'm pretty happy with this =)

Maternity clothes? yes, as little clothing as possibilbe in this heat though! lol

Best moment this week: Yesterday Austin and I had an awesome day. He woke up in such a great mood. We went to a new bounce place with our friends and he was running around like crazy the entire 3 hours we were there! He loved it! when we got home he took a great nap! When he got up he was just so happy and sweet to me! At one point he walked over to me, grabbed my face with both hands and pulled me to him to give me a big kiss on the lips! Talk about melt your heart! he is my sweet little guy! He has been so amazing lately, so helpful! It makes me feel like he is really ready to be a big brother =)

Movement: ugh, Its cool to feel him moving, but creepy when you can see huge bumps in your stomach because he is moving from one side to the other! Plus, he is running out of room in there so the movements are pretty hard and hurt some times =(

Food cravings: real cravings for a while now. Just trying to eat right.

Gender: It's a boy!! ALL BOY!

Labor Signs: at my 36 week check up I was not dilated any but was 50% effaced..I go again this Friday so we'll see if there is any change. I am having contractions every day though, so i hope there is at least a little dilation this time!

Belly Button in or out? still a flat innie thank freaks me out when it pops out! LOL

What I miss: I miss my body being my own. Its hard to relax, get comfortable, sleep through the night, and be on the move all day when you have a tiny person living inside you!

What I am looking forward to: Meeting him. and seeing Austin meet him. =)

Weekly Wisdom: Think before you speak. Some times trying to be the smarter one and prove a point just isn't worth it.

Playing Catch up

I hate playing catch up on my I need to be better about updating it! Seems like we've been busy lately..lets see...We went to see the Bats fly out from the Congress bridge last weekend with our friends the Bailey's. It was pretty cool! We've seen it before but it's always fun to watch. Austin liked the boats on the river better than the bats though ;) We've had some playdates with friends, checked out a new bounce place that Austin LOVED, had Grams come stay for a few days, did some shopping...and more that I'm sure I'm forgetting!

I would like to also say how proud I am of Tim. He is an amazing husband and father, always has been. But lately he has really stepped up to helping with Austin since I'm getting SO pregnant! Not only that, but he has lost over 50lbs!!! He looks like a new man! All his clothes are literally falling off of him! We had to go through his closet to see what he could continue to wear and what absolutely had to go. My favorite thing was him putting on a shirt that was about 3 sizes too big and looking at me saying "This still fits right?" I just laughed and then literally got in the shirt with him! and said...ummm NO! I don't think so! LOL He is looking so good and plans to keep it up! His goal weight is about 50 more this rate he will be there before Christmas!! =) I love you Tim!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The learning tree

Today Austin and I went to visit another Preschool, the Learning Tree. This is a program at the Methodist Church where Austin was baptised. It's a BEAUTIFUL church! My friend Elizabeth has been teaching the 2 year old class during the summer program, so we got to sit in her class and play for a while. It was nice because I got to ask her all my "mommy questions" while Austin played. He sat and had a snack with the other kids, went to music class and made himself right at home running up and down the halls! The director of the program seems really nice and everyone there was so friendly and helpful...soooo I enrolled Austin! He will go once a week during the fall starting on September 1st. Now lets just hope I'm not in labor on the first day of school! LOL! I'm happy with our selection for a "Mothers day out" Program. I think him going once a week will be good for both of us. It will give him some indepenence and something fun to do at least once a week while Mommy is at home with the baby. I'm also really happy that we know SO many friends that are going there and everyone seems to love it. Plus, Austin will have some familiar faces around =)
As soon as I enrolled him, and walked out the door I wanted to throw up! I KNOW in my heart this will be a good thing, but I just don't want my little baby boy to grow up so fast. I want to make sure I'm making the right decisions for him...sooo here's hoping this is a good fit for Austin! I've never been so excited and so sad for September to be here. 36 weeks!! Getting closer to Baby time!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

This week..

Yesterday Austin and I made a visit to Grace Episcopal Church to check out their preschool. Even though everyone was very nice, Austin seemed to love it, and the facility was awesome..i felt like crying the entire time! It doesn't seem like it should be such a hard decision to send your kiddo off to "school" but it is! I know part of it is I'm super emotional right now because of the pregnancy, but I really have had a hard time deciding if this is whats best for Austin. I don't want him to be bord this fall, and with the baby coming that is a high possibility since we wont be getting out as least for a few months I'm sure. He is such a high energy inquisitive kid that I know he will need something to keep him busy. I've always been of the opinion that if you are a stay at home Mommy then sending your kiddo to "Preschool" when they are really little is just a nice way of saying they go to Daycare..and I do NOT want Austin in "day care" so I knew an all week program was out for sure. I really liked the school we looked at, but he would have to go 2 or 3 days a week..and I just don't think I'm ready for that. We are going to look at another school on Tuesday, this one has a once a week program..i guess kinda like a "mothers day out". I'm hoping that we like it and that I can make a final decision on this...without crying too much! lol

In other news...we had a great day at the pool with our friends! we were there for 4 hours! Mommy got lots of sun =) and then we came home and took a great nap! For dinner I threw together homemade chicken noodle soup, but used cheese tortellini (because thats all i had haha!) and it was so yummy! Austin ate two bowls! Tomorrow, we are off to the library! They are having their big End of Summer show that i'm sure will be fun. Tomorrow night..Book club! Which means cheesecake and coffee!! hehe!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Belly Shots at 34+ weeks

Just a few pictures. When we asked Austin to kiss my belly he was raising HIS shirt! LOL he was being such a ham and wanted to be in all the pictures!